Our Team
Jason & Corri Graves
Lead Pastor & Women's Pastor
Jason and Corri hold a deep conviction and dedication to seeing leaders developed and empowered into ministry. With over 20 years of experience pastoring in North San Diego County, they firmly believe the vision and mission of DLC is one of the most important priorities of Daybreak Church, critical to seeing the Great Commission fulfilled in Southern California and beyond.
Jonathan Edwards
College Director
A graduate of Life Pacific University, Jonathan comes with 28 years of experience in ministerial and organizational contexts. He is a strategist, critical thinker and coach who loves seeing individuals realize their God-given potential. Prior to joining the DLC team, Jonathan served 21 years as the Executive Pastor at The Sanctuary church in Santa Clarita, CA.
Dawn Edwards
Student Life Coordinator
Passionate in seeing the next generation of great leaders developed and deployed, Dawn loves helping students discover and nurture their unique design and calling with practical tools. An alumnus of Life Pacific University with over three decades of local church ministry service, she is committed to curating a community dedicated to hearing God’s voice and following His plan.
Chandler Corzine
Young Adults Pastor
Being heavily formed by strong and intentional leaders, Chandler is passionate about discipling young adults in their most crucial season of life. He is focused on connecting young adults to a community where they can experience the hope and healing of Jesus Christ. Chandler was a youth pastor for six years before transitioning to his current role with young adults at Daybreak Church.